As the #1-ranked multifamily architecture firm in North America, Humphreys & Partners relies on our incredible team from around the world to create innovative, one-of-a-kind communities in Architecture. As Senior Contract Administrator, Elizabeth Symmt is responsible for consultants, all day, every day which includes proposals, contracts, and keeping them informed about potential changes to a project or contract terms. In addition, she also assists the sales and production teams with finding the appropriate sub-consultants for any given project. Let’s get to know Elizabeth outside (and inside) the office and see what makes her a true icon of #HumphreysHeroes culture:
- Where did you grow up?
Sandwich, MA
- What is your alma mater?
Providence College, Rhode Island. Class of 2005. I have a BA in Theatre Arts. I know what you’re thinking. It’s a big leap to Contracts. Ah, well – “We are such stuff as dreams are made on, and our little life is rounded with a sleep.” The Tempest, Act IV, Sc. I
- What are your hobbies outside of work?
Spending time with my husband and kids. I love to read. LOVE IT. I’m currently in the middle of “The Handmaids Tale” and “Great Jones Street”. I’m also an avid bird nerd.
- Who would play you in a movie about your life?
Joey Lauren Adams.
- When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
There are too many things to count. I went through a variety of phases. Ultimately, I just wanted to be an adult. I hated being a kid. The grass is always greener, I suppose.
- What is your favorite season, why?
I love the Spring and early Summer. My birds are back! See above. Also, I just bought a small greenhouse so I’m looking forward to planting some vegetables. I’ve got some poppies for the front of the house. I’m very excited.
- What is your favorite thing about working at HPA?
My colleagues and fellow Contract Administrators. They work so hard and admire all of the work they do to keep HPA moving forward.
We hope you have enjoyed getting to know Elizabeth, one of our world-class team members here at HPA! Stay tuned for more #HumphreysHeroes blog posts in the future. In the meantime, engage with us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram for all things HPA-related.